IT Professionals and IT Employers
If you are a-, or have a need for highly skilled IT Professional(s) and are looking for a partner to help you out, NIMBL is your match.
Being a niche focused IT Agency, we connect you to the right IT Job or
IT Professional.
We are specialized in Data & Analytics,
IT Development & Testing,
Cloud & Security and ERP & CRM.
In the previous paragraph we specifically mention the word partner: our signature behaviour and core philosophy are that we work from a mutual partnership perspective. We believe that everybody has their own expertise and that people and business thrive when you let people do what they are good at.

For this reason, our condition is we have to work together. Through partnership we can help each other achieve success in our work. If you feel this approach fits your preferences, we would like to get acquainted!
Click here to drop your contact details so we can get in touch or, even more easy: schedule an introduction!

Your expertise is that you know great IT skills, build and manage great IT teams, projects and goals. Ours is that we know how to deliver on your expectations to finding you the right IT Job or the right IT Professional. Both we take accountability in the process, results and the promise of our expertise like the expectations of our partnership create.