Our tagline says it all: 'We deliver. Your most NIMBL
Recruitment Experience'. Not only do we deliver on
your needs, but we do it in a way that creates
your most NIMBL Recruitment Experience.
About us
Redefining your recruitment experience

We are specialized in Data & Analytics, IT Development & Testing, Cloud & Security and ERP & CRM.
Data & Analytics
IT Dev & Testing
Cloud & Security
We are specialized in Data & Analytics, IT Development & Testing, Cloud & Security and ERP & CRM.
For who?
IT Professionals and IT Employers
If you are a, or have a need for highly skilled IT Professionals and are looking for a partner to help you out, NIMBL is for you.

'In every element of our work, quality is the base and the goal of our actions'
We call this NIMBLING

If we want people to experience a NIMBL Recruitment Experience, to be a great IT Employer, we have to anchor quality in all elements of our companies’ fundament; the way we practice our work, the actions we take, the decisions we make.